Unresolved issues from the past may cause the heart to shut down. If left unattended this disruption in the flow of love carries across generations, ripples into the shadows of the family landscape and can emerge as illness, emotional difficulties and broken relationships.
A kind of "living map", Family Constellations is a unique phenomenological approach that explores the hidden dynamics that keep us from living authentic lives. It has the potential to touch us on a deep soul and energy level often healing past traumas and wounds leading to a transformation in our lives on and the lives of those around us. This work deepens the respect for the mystery of life.
This training is designed to provide a working knowledge of the principles and practical aspects of the philosophies of Bert Hellinger. It is a phenomenal approach to bringing resolve within family systems. I will also bring in the teachings of Mark Wolynn and his "Core approach" complimenting and adding a richness to this process.
Students will learn:
Underlying principles of Systemic Constellations
The Orders of Love
The Bonds of Love
Skill development
Working one on one
Effective resolutions
Deep personal work (Personal Constellations)
Medical Constellations
Working in Nature
Trauma work

Rosina Wellmann has been a facilitator of Family & Systemic Constellations for 16 years. Being indigenous Irish, Rosina has always been drawn to the call of healing and has trained in many modalities before being introduced to this work in 2006. In 2007 she trained with Francesca Mason Boring and again in 2011 with Mark Wolynn. Both of these trainers work at an International level sharing their wisdom and teachings, are accomplished authors, trainers and leaders in this field. Rosina has attended the International Intensive hosted in Bernreid, Germany, has been a Volunteer Chair at the 2015 North American Systemic Constellation Conference in San Diego, attended Intensive Trainings in Connecticut with Francesca Mason Boring, Ed Lynch, Dan Booth Cohen and Bill Mannle and many other Masters over the years. In 2016/2017 she trained in Trauma work with Bertold Ulsamer a first generation German in this work.
In 2017 Rosina and International Facilitator & Trainer Bill Mannle offered and completed a training in this work in Calgary. She is also active in hosting Facilitators to Calgary to expand this work. Rosina works from her home in NW Calgary offering private sessions in person or via Zoom along with monthly workshops and ongoing training supervision.
September 27 - 29, 2024
November 29 - December 1, 2024
January 31 - February 2, 2025
March 28 - 30, 2025
May 23 - 25, 2025
July 25 - 27, 2025
October 3 - 5, 2025
Each day is 10am to 5pm.
Saturdays will be open to the public as workshops. Facilitator training students will debrief after the workshops.
People who want to gain an understanding about themselves, their family dynamics and the circumstances of their daily life.
Recommended for care professionals. (Therapists, psychologists, social workers, doctors, consultants, coaches, lawyers, health care professionals)
Facilitators who want to expand their skills, enrich their resources or perhaps enroll into a personal process.
Many people find that pursuing this program for their own personal growth can bring phenomenal results in their personal and private and family lives.
Depth of life experience, emotional maturity and balanced well being
A full commitment to complete the course
Participation in Rosina's workshops
An interview with Rosina
An open heart and a willingness to learn.​
Clarity and understanding of what unconsciously entangles us within our systems
Discovering hidden loyalties that keep us stuck in patterns
A healthy connectedness to your system enabling you to have richer and more fulfilling relationships
Often instant relief with medical issues such as anxiety, panic attacks and depression.
Transforming your blocks and self sabotage
Seeing life with more purpose and vitality
Turning your past into a source of strength
​At the end of this training you will receive a certificate to say you completed the course under Rosina's supervision. Please be aware this does not imply excellence in facilitating family constellations. No training program can offer the experience and integrity in facilitating in this work. No official certificate is recognized by any governing organization in North America or Canada. Rosina will provide students with a valuable learning opportunity. The certificate means a) the student showed up, and b) the student completed the required course work in a satisfactory manner. This will give you enough to begin facilitating in a responsible way. Rosina Wellmann cannot endorse or assume any responsibility for actions, non-actions, words or behaviour for any students certified or otherwise.
Loves Hidden Symmetry by Bert Hellinger
The Art & Practice of Family Constellations by Bertold Ulsamer
Family Constellations Revealed: by Indra Thorsten Preiss
Family Constellations: A Practical Guide to Uncovering the Origins of Family Conflict by Joy Manne & Bert Hellinger
Total investment for the full 21 days of training: $3,700 + GST
Payments plans available by request.​
Rosina, thank you for the work you did yesterday. Your joyful presence, direct communication, and gift/ability of zeroing in on the core of the issue are remarkable. I’m incredibly grateful for crossing paths with you and this work.
- David
I wanted to send my gratitude for the beautiful workshop you held on Sunday. After the workshop ended, I left wishing we were coming back for another day, even another week! I can't seem to get enough of everything Family Constellation, even if the work is hard, the relief and peace is something I don't have words for. Many thanks again, you are amazing.
- Jen
Thank you so very much for helping me release my anger, rage and emotional trauma. THANK YOU for helping me learn that I am good enough. Your constellation therapy classes have been a god send and life changing. I am so appreciative and grateful for all your wisdom and expertise.
I thought I would report my progress since our session:
1) I no longer dread waking up. I feel excited.
2) I was able to attend church without fear.
3) I am overflowing with memories where before almost all were inaccessible. The ones that are surfacing are positive whereas previously all memories felt tinged with sadness and fear.
4) The constant overwhelm I’ve had for 20 years is lessened significantly.
5) I feel I can speak for myself rather than keep silent.
6) My jaw aches and the pain moves throughout it but the chronic tension is less.
I’m stunned frankly at the speed and depth of progress as I’ve been working at this for 30+ years. It feels merciful.
I am very very grateful to you. I feel like the prison doors have swung open for me . God is so good. I find it not at all insignificant that this miracle was facilitated not by a man but a woman.
> I still feel some inner impingements, particularly when in close proximity to a male. I trust the our next session will bring more progress. The amount of capacity gained in one session is astounding to me compared to my 30 years of CBT (which was always retraumatizing) and recently 2 years of trauma therapy. Your skill, kindness and courage are a gift I will never forget!
> I have also been able to feel the wisdom of the little girl who has been trapped inside of me and it feels she is starting to emerge now that the world doesn’t feel like such an awful, scary place.
> Thank you also for your sensitivity in helping to avoid the trigger from spicy language.
Pay a $500 deposit, then pay the remainder before or on the first day of class.
Email for payment plan option.
No refunds on or after the course begins (including payment plan). Deposits are non-refundable.